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CHAMBERY rencontres musicales et autres Arts en regions des 2 SAVOIE
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Explications du SON et des EFFETS qui peuvent lui être appliqué

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Explications du SON et des EFFETS qui peuvent lui être appliqué Empty Explications du SON et des EFFETS qui peuvent lui être appliqué

Message  Admin Sam 10 Mar - 9:10

Le SON quoi qu'est ce ?

Les EFFETS, quels sont ils et comment fonctionnent ils ?

Les modifications applicables à un son peuvent être classées dans
les 5 CATEGORIES de BASE suivantes :

Variations de volume (volume = niveau sonore).

Filtration des harmoniques (grâves, mediums, aigüs, etc.)

Variations de fréquence (fréquence = hauteur du son).

Effets retard (Echo, réverbération ou delay en anglais).


Tous les effets sont construits peu ou prou à partir de ces principes.

Dans la plupart des cas, les FILTRES ne se contentent pas d'opérer une modification constante du son. Diviser le volume d'un son par deux présente peu d'intérêt. Faire varier ce volume d'une façon régulière est plus intéressant (comme si vous tourniez le bouton de volume de votre ampli dans un sens puis dans l'autre sans arrêt).

Les systèmes de filtration, qu'ils soient numériques ou électroniques, sont généralement pourvus d'un ou plusieurs "LFO" (low frequency oscillator - oscillateur à basse fréquence : L'oscillateur est au départ du synthé : c'est lui qui génère le son.

C'est un signal numérique (électrique sur les synthés hard) qui varie périodiquement. La façon dont il varie dans le temps, c'est sa forme d'onde (waveform)) qui va piloter les filtres pour faire varier leurs fréquences (la frequence = la vitesse d'oscillation du générateur = le nombre de fois ou le motif de répétition (le triangle, le sinus, etc) est joué par seconde, plus c'est élevé, plus le son est aigu.d'une façon régulière et continue, pour le grave c'est l'inverse).

Dans le LFO y a deux principes de base de fonctionnement, un sert de signal principal qui est appelé "porteuse" (variateur de volume) et l'autre sert de signal qui fait varier les caractéristiques porteuses , qui est appelé "signal modulant" (variateur de fréquences).

les Noms principaux de ces signaux (formes d'ondes) sont appelés : ....
SINE (sinusoide) - TRIANGLE - SQUARE - SAW (en dent de scie)
et sont interactifs.... mais aussi NOIZE, PULSE, etc...

Les filtres comportent tous un certain nombre de réglages qui permettent de modifier le rendu des effets proposés.

Parmi ces réglages on peut généralement trouver :

Le "depth" (profondeur) qui permet d'ajuster l'intensité du signal modulant (LFO)

Le "Rate" ou "Frequency" qui permet d'ajuster la fréquence du signal modulant (LFO)

Le "Feedback" qui permet d'ajuster la quantité du signal de sortie qui est ré-injecté à l'entrée. Le feedback permet d'augmenter l'impact d'un filtre sur le signal puisque celui-ci repasse à plusieurs reprises dans le filtre.

Le "Wet/Dry" qui permet un mélange du signal d'origine au signal filtré. En positionnant ce réglage sur "Dry" vous récupérez le signal d'entrée inchangé. En le positionnant sur "Wet", vous récupérez le signal filtré.


Aperçu du FONCTIONNEMENT des 5 CATEGORIES d'effets de base :




Retard / Delay /Modulation


Ces Effets peuvent êtres combinés
et ouvrent alors sur d'autres possibilités de créer des effets qui sont très nombreux, comme vous pouvez le voir dans la liste ci dessous :








Mais là encore, ceux là combinés ouvrent sur la création d'autres effets ...
qui sont très très nombreux...comme on peut le voir dans les listes impressionnantes des divers VST FX qui existent, à coté des VSTI

Trance Gater
Percussion (Drum)
Bipolar Distortion
Pitch Shifter

et la liste ne s'arrete pas là, comme vous pourrez le voir sur les sites de telechargements de VSTI et VST FX gratuits sur le net : et là aussi la liste de ce genre de sites est longue...

Voici ce que OBYONETAOPY fait en Musique avec tous ces intruments et effets numériques modifieurs de sons...


Messages : 109
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2011

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Explications du SON et des EFFETS qui peuvent lui être appliqué Empty Re: Explications du SON et des EFFETS qui peuvent lui être appliqué

Message  Admin Lun 12 Mar - 18:12

A quoi servent certains VST FX ...

Source (en anglais):

As already mentioned on the start-page, I develop VST-PlugIns. VST is an abbreviation of Virtual Studio Technology. This is an open standard for different kinds of audio plugIns. The VST-standard was created by the audiosofware-company Steinberg ( and provides an interface for programming audio-effects and software-instruments in an easy way (thanks Steinberg!) Many of my plugIn-creations are downloadable as freeware here on this page. I always appreciate feedback such as suggestions for improvements, new ideas and bug-reports. All of the plugIns published here are done to the best of my knowledge and in all conscience and have been tested. However, it is never possible to be sure that everything is 100 percent bug-free. For this reason I cannot assume responsibility for any damages that may occur on your system because of the use of these plugIns. At the moment, my plugIns are only available for the PC-platform, because I don't have a Mac to compile Mac-versions. The plugIns come in the form of .zip-archives which include a .dll file and some also include some presets in the .fxp format. Simply download the .zip, unzip and copy or move the .dll file into the VST-plugIn folder. The user manuals are provided here on this page as .html files.

Aggressor is a monophonic synthesizer, which can be used as a VST instrument. The synth was specifically designed to produce aggressive bass- and lead-sounds where special attention was paid on the ability to authentically emulate the typical sound of the famous TB-303. The architecture is based on the classic VCO-VCF-VCA structure where each of the building blocks goes far beyond the typical implementation of bassline synths. read the manual...

I started a thread at kvraudio about this synth: here it is: i, hope to get some feedback from there...

Channel-Tool is a quite simple plugIn with which you can adjust the gain, the stereo-mix and the phase of the input signal. Actually I did program this plugIn mainly for myself as a template or skeleton plugIn - which means a plugIn I use as a starting point for the development of other plugIns. Nevertheless, in practice it is sometimes quite useful. Because of its simplicity I did not include a manual.

Stereo-Delay is a plugIn for the creation of delay- and echo-effects. It provides two independent delay-lines for the left and the right channel. The delaylines have a feedback-loop with highpass- and lowpass-filter and can also interact via crossfeedback. The delay-times are not specified in seconds or milliseconds, but musically as a note-value. read the manual...

Pitch-Shifter (version 1.0.0)
Pitch-Shifter is a plugIn for shifting the pitch of the input signal without affecting the overall length. Normally pitch and length of audio material are coupled - if you simply icrease the playback-tempo, the pitch raises and the length shortens. Pitch-Shifter uses a delayline-based granular algorithm to decouple the pitch from the length, so that the overall length of the signal will not be affected (which would not make much sense in a realtime-plugIn anyway) read the manual...

Shifter-Bank (version 1.0.0)
Shifter-Bank is a plugIn for the creation of several pitch-shifted versions of the input signal. With low shift-factors (in the range between a few cents and a semitone) you will get effects which are called "unison" in some synthsizers (indeed was it a discussion about unison in the forum on, which motivated this plugIn). The plugIn can therefore be used to create a "fatter" sound. With higher amounts of pitch-shifting, the effects remind me on effects used on TV to garble voices of persons who want to stay anonymous. This plugIn - the same as the Pitch-Shifter - works with a delayline-based granulation algorithm. read the manual...

LPC-Vocoder (version 1.0.0)
LPC-Vocoder is a plugIn for the creation of vocoder-sounds. These are created by superimposing the frequency-envelope of one signal (the so called analysis- or modulatorsignal) on a second signal (the so called synthesis- or carriersignal). In the classic vocoder this is achieved by means of an analysis- and a synthesis-filterbank - the LPC-Vocoder in contrast uses a single adaptive filter which is capable of realizing complex frequency-responses with many peaks. LPC is an abbriviation of Linear Predictive Coding - a technique in signal processing which can extract the formants (frequency bands with high amplitude) out of an audio signal. LPC is widely used in the speech signal processing community, for example to compress the speech for transmission in digital communication systems. read the manual...

Compressor (version 1.0.1)
Compressor is a plugIn for the reduction of the dynamics of an input signal. Compressors achieve this goal by analyzing the amplitude envelope of the incoming signal and reducing the gain when the signal exceeds a certain threshold. This reduces the amplitude of the peaks in the audio signal. Now the signal can be amplified further without clipping/distortion. So at the end of the day we have a signal in which the loud parts stay as they are and the quiet parts are amplified. This increases the overall loudness of the signal. read the manual...

Trance-Gate (version 1.0.0)
Trance-Gate is a plugIn for the creation of gate effects. The opening and closing of the gate is triggered by incoming MIDI-notes - note on events trigger the opening phase, note-off events trigger the closing phase. As opposed to gates with a built in step sequencer this has two advantages: first, it gives the user more flexibility in the rhythmic opening and closing because the user can take full advantage of all MIDI functions which the chosen sequencer software provides (different note-lengths for each step, changing rythms, etc.). And second: the plugIn is small and does not take much space on the monitor. ...and it did not take much time to implement it :-). read the manual...

Auto-Pan (version 1.0.0)
Auto-Pan is a VST-plugIn for the automatic adjustment of the panorama position of the signal (where "automatic" means LFO-controlled in this case). The LFO is tempo-synchronized and can be triggered either via the graphical user inface or via note-on events. read the manual...

Envelope-Designer (Version 1.0.1)
Envelope-Designer is a plugIn with which you can adjust the realtive amount of the attack transients and the sutained/release components in a signal. read the manual...

Stereo-Enhancer (version 1.0.0)
Stereo-Enhancer is a VST-plugIn for the PC-platform for the modification of stereo-width of a signal. The adjustment can be made for low, mid and high frequencies seperately. The separation of the frequency-bands is achieved by means of linear-phase FIR-filters. This is, because the sum of the three filtered (not yet modified) signals should sum up exactly to the original signal. read the manual...

Psycho-Phaser (version 1.0.0)
Psycho-Phaser is a VST-plugIn for phasing effects. This effect arises, when sending the input signal through a chain of allpass-filters and mixing that filtered signal with the original signal. An allpass-filters lets all frqeuencies pass without any attenuation or amplification, but introduces a frequency-dependent phase-shift. When the filtered signal is mixed with the original signal, there will be notches in the frequency-content of the resulting signal at all frequencies at which the phase-shift in the filtered signal is some odd integer multiple of 180 degrees. In contrast to a flanger, these notches are not distributed at integer multiples of some fundamental frequency along the frequency axis - so they have no harmonic relationship. This is the most distinguishing feature between phasers and flangers (which are often regarded as somehow similar). If the characteristic frequencies of the allpass-filters are modulated over time (via an LFO), these notches slide back and forth on the frequency axis - this is phasing. Psycho-Phaser provides two independent allpass-chains for left and right channel, each of which with its own, tempo-synchronized LFO. read the manual...

Stereo-Flanger (version 1.0.1)
Stereo-Flanger is a VST-plugIn for the creation of comb-filter and flanger effects. A comb-filter delays the incoming signal by a certain amount of time and mixes the delayed signal with the original signal. Because of interference between the two signals, there will be peaks and notches in the resulting signal - peaks occur at frequencies, where the original and delayed signal are in phase, notches occur at frequenceis, where the phase bewteen the original and the delayed signal is 180° - at these frequencies, the two signals cancel out each other. The positions of these peaks and notches is determined by the delay-time and they will always have a harmonic relationship - that is: they are all integer multiples of some fundamental frequency. It is also possible to feed back the output of the delayline back to its input - this emphasizes the peaks in the spectrum. When the delaytime is modulated over time (with a LFO, for example), the peaks and notches slide back and forth on the frequncy-axis - this is flanging. Stereo-Flanger provides two LFO-modulated delaylines - one for the left and one for the right channel. read the manual...

Messages : 109
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2011

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